Connecticut, our public schools have some complex problems.

Fortunately, CAPSS is committed to finding solutions.

Although it’s the richest state in the nation, Connecticut is not exempt from the same problems facing other public school systems across the country. The fact is, this state faces a host of complex educational problems, including:

|| International and racial achievement gaps

|| Low level of student engagement in their education and inspiration for learning

|| Limited measures of assessment and accountability

|| Inadequate preparation for higher education and today’s workforce

|| Changing U.S. demographics

|| Little emphasis on modern skills to meet the needs of a global economy

|| Impact of disruptive innovations

The question is . . . what can be done to address these problems — and ensure a top-quality education for all students in Connecticut? 

CAPSS believes that the most effective way to work on complex problems like these is to transform the entire system. Only by reconfiguring and repurposing parts of the existing system, challenging assumptions that have been entrenched for so long, and tapping into the creativity and inventiveness of those who are truly committed can we hope to generate the innovative and effective solutions that these complex problems demand — and all students deserve.

Identifying the Problem